
Learn the structure of a video object on VtubersTV.


  • ObjectId
  • Thumbnail
  • Metadata
  • Partials
    • A partial is a piece of content that is included in another piece of content. For example, a video object may include a user object as a partial. This allows the video object to reference the user object without duplicating the user object's information. This is useful for reducing redundancy and keeping the data model normalized.
    • Partials we used in this object:

Video Object

The unique identifier of the video. This is a string that is unique to the video and is used to identify the video in the database. This is not to be confused with _id which is the unique document identifier in the database.
The title of the video. This is the title that is displayed to users on VtubersTV.
A brief description of the video. This is a textual description that provides an overview of the content of the video.
The author of the video. This is an object that contains the author's information, including their ID, username, display name, and avatar.
The thumbnail image of the video. This is a URL that points to the image that represents the video.
The number of views that the video has received. This is a string representing the total number of views.
The number of likes that the video has received. This is a string representing the total number of likes.
The number of dislikes that the video has received. This is a string representing the total number of dislikes.
Metadata associated with the video. This object contains the width, height, duration, file size, tags, whether the video is made for adults, and whether the video is deleted.
The creation date of the video. This is a string representing the date and time when the video was uploaded to the platform.
A list of comments on the video. Each comment contains information about the parent comment (if any), the comment's ID, content, author information, creation date, upvotes, downvotes, and flags indicating whether the comment is flagged or deleted.